CxScript Elements - cx:break
Updated over a week ago

The cx:attachment element is used within an email template to add an attachment. The content for the email attachment is retrieved from a Carerix file attachment. 

Example 1

Add a photo of a candidate as an attachment to the email

<cx:let name="photo" value="$">

 <cx:attachment name="$photo.filePath" content="$photo.content"/>


Example 2

Insert the photo in an HTML message using an <img> element:

<cx:attachment content="$" cid="companylogo"/>

<img src="cid:companylogo"> 

In this 2nd example a Content-ID is being used as defined by the MIMI standard (see RFC 2111).
The src-attribute for the img-element points to a cid: a URL to the cx:attachment with corresponding cid-attribute.


The following table contains all attributes available with the cx:element element. Obligatory attributes are printed bold.


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